Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Masjidil Aqsa

Masjid kedua tertua dan ketiga tersuci di dunia adalah Masjidil Aqsa (Masjid Al-Aqsa). Masjid itu dibangunkan di atas lokasi Kenisah Sulaiman atau Haykal Sulaiman dan termasuk di antara tiga masjid yang perlu dikunjungi oleh kaum Muslim sesuai dengan anjuran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Keutamaan Masjidil Aqsa ini didasarkan daripada sabda Nabi s.a.w yang bermaksud: “Janganlah kamu merasa berat untuk mengadakan perjalanan ke tiga masjid: Masjidil Haram, Masjidku ( Masjid Nabawi ) dan Masjidil Aqsa. Solat di Masjidil Haram lebih utama dari 100,000 kali di tempat lain kecuali di Masjidil Aqsa.” ( Riwayat ad-Darimi, an- Nasa’i, dan Ahmad)

Masjidil Aqsa disebut di dalam al-Quran yang berkaitan dengan peristiwa Israk Mikraj (Q.17:1). Nabi s.a.w. melakukan Israk (perjalanan malam hari) dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa sebelum bermikraj ke Sidratulmuntaha, sebagaimana dalam firman-Nya: “Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa yang telah Kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian daripada tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami…” (Q.17:1).

Kalangan ulama berbeza pendapat mengenai istilah “aqsa”. Sebahagian berpendapat bahawa masjid ini disebut Aqsa (Jauh) kerana memang jauh dari Masjidil Haram di Mekah. Menurut pendapat lain, masjid ini disebut Aqsa kerana ia merupakan tempat yang bebas daripada segala jenis kotoran, tempat turunnya malaikat serta wahyu, dan kiblat para nabi sebelum Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Pendapat lain lagi mengatakan bahawa Masjidil Aqsa bukan di Baitulmaqdis tetapi di Sidratulmuntaha. Alasan ini didasarkan pada fakta bahawa Haykal Sulaiman sudah dihancurkan pada tahun 70 SM oleh Kaisar Titus dari Rom.

Masjidil Aqsa berada dalam sebuah kompleks di kota Baitulmaqdis (rumah, tempat suci atau yang disucikan). Baitulmaqdis adalah sebutan bagi Jerusalem yang juga disebut al-Quds. Masjidil Aqsa didirikan di atas tanah bekas Haykal Sulaiman. Di dalam kompleks itu, Masjidil Aqsa terletak di selatan Kubah as-Sakhrah yang juga dikenali dengan nama Masjid Umar atau The Dome of the Rock. Masjid itu didirikan seperti di atas sakhrah (batu hitam yang menjadi landasan mikraj Nabi s.a.w) oleh Abdul Malik bin Marwan pada tahun 72 H/691 M.

Nabi Sulaiman a.s membangun tempat ibadah Yahudi (kenisah) di Jerusalem yang disebut Haykal Sulaiman. Bangunan yang terletak di Haram asy-Syarif itu lalu dihancurkan oleh Kaisar Titus pada tahun 70 SM. Khalifah Umar membina sebuah masjid (Masjidil Aqsa) di bekas lokasi Haykal Sulaiman itu. Kubah masjid itu berwarna perak. Masjidil Aqsa telah diperbaiki beberapa kali, namun bentuknya tetap tidak berubah.

Ketika menerima penyerahan Jerusalem (dahulu bernama Aelia) daripada penguasa Nasrani, Umar al-Khattab mendapati tompokan sampah di atas sakhrah. Beliau dan kaum Muslim membersihkan tempat itu. Lalu beliau berkata kepada Ka’b bin Ahbar (seorang Yahudi yang memeluk Islam), ”Menurut pendapat kamumu, di mana saya dapat mendirikan sembahyang untuk kaum Muslim?” Dia (Ka’b) menjawab, ”Dirikanlah di belakang(sebelah utara) sakhrah.” Umar pun membalas, ”Hai kau anak perempuan Yahudi, kau masih terpengaruh dengan kefahaman Yahudi! Sebaliknya, saya akan mendirikan masjid tempat di pusat lokasi Haykal Sulaiman kerana kami menguasai seluruh pusat kenisah itu.” Lalu, sebuah Masjid dibina di sebelah selatan sakhrah seperti yang dapat disaksikan sekarang ini. Masjid itulah yang dinamakan Masjidil Aqsa.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bersediakah kita?

The Great Architect, dajal telah dikurniakan ilmu yang tinggi oleh Allah. Tetapi dia telah mengambil keputusan untuk menentang penciptanya sendiri dan bersetongkol dengan Azazil. Sepanjang peradaban manusia, dia telah meninggalkan tanda-tanda kehadirannya dan salah satu tanda yang ditinggalkannya ialah binaan agung yang begitu tinggi kejuruteraannya. Taman tergantung Babylon, piramid, Tembok Besar China, Stonehedge semuanya adalah ilham si genius ini.

Sebelum ini saya sudah mengulas tentang binaan Piramid dan Obelisk. Sila rujuk artikel saya sebelumnya untuk mengetahui tentang asas-asas binaan dajal di seluruh dunia yang dibina untuk menyambut kedatangannya dengan kaedah pengumpulan dan pengaliran tenaga negatif terus ke langit. Piramid, Obelisk itu adalah antara cara pengumpulan tenaga, dan tenaga yang disalurkan ialah tenaga negatif. Konsep yang sama juga digunakan di Masjid iaitu kubah. Kubah juga adalah salah satu binaan yang cukup baik untuk mengalirkan tenaga, dan tenaga yang dialirkan itu adalah tenaga yang positif. Konsep yang mudah untuk difahami di sini kan?

Ketahuilah kita umat akhir zaman, dan ketibaan The False Messiah/ Antichrist/ Dajal ini semakin hampir. Jika anda perasan, binaan agung pada peradaban terhadulu telah dibina kembali untuk menyambut kedatangan si laknat ini. Dengan bantuan konco-konconya yang telah sekian lama berkhidmat untuk Azazil menentang Tuhan Yang Esa.

Salah satu binaan penting untuk menyambut Messiah Yahudi ini ialah Tower Of Babel!

Sebelum saya membawa pemikiran anda lebih jauh, pasti pembaca tertanya-tanya, adakah Tower Of Babel ini benar-benar wujud? Atau hanyalah sekadar dongengan dan hanya fantasi rekaan sahaja. Sebenarnya Tower Of Babel ada disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran. Firaun telah mengarahkan pembinaan sebuah binaan yang tinggi untuk mencabar kekuasaan dan memperlekehkan Allah s.w.t:

Dan Firaun pula berkata: "Wahai orang-orangku, aku tidak mengetahui ada bagi kamu sebarang tuhan yang lain daripadaku; oleh itu, wahai Haman, bakarkanlah untukku batu-bata, serta binalah untukku bangunan yang tinggi, supaya aku naik melihat Tuhan Musa (yang dikatakannya itu); dan sesungguhnya aku percaya adalah Musa dari orang-orang yang berdusta".
Al-Qasas 38

Dan Firaun pula berkata: "Hai Haman! Binalah untukku sebuah bangunan yang tinggi, semoga aku sampai ke jalan-jalan (yang aku hendak menujunya)
"(Iaitu) ke pintu-pintu langit, supaya aku dapat melihat Tuhan Musa; dan sesungguhnya aku percaya Musa itu seorang pendusta!" Demikianlah diperhiaskan (oleh Syaitan) kepada Firaun akan perbuatannya yang buruk itu untuk dipandang baik, serta ia dihalangi dari jalan yang benar; dan tipu daya Firaun itu tidak membawanya melainkan ke dalam kerugian dan kebinasaan.
Ghaffir 36-37

Bangunan tinggi yang dimaksudkan Firaun itu dengan nama lainnya dikenali sebagai Tower Of Babel. Cerita tentang Tower of Babel ada juga disebutkan di dalam Bible dan dipercayai oleh penganut Kabbalah. Tidak perlu saya ceritakan apa yang ditulis di dalam Bible tentang Tower of Bible kerana hanya Al-Quran yang saya jadikan sebagai rujukan. Cukuplah kata kunci yang penting di sini ialah menara ini benar-benar wujud dan ia dibina untuk menentang kuasa Tuhan oleh penentangnya.

Adakah Tower Of Babel zaman moden telah dibina zaman sekarang? Jika dahulu Tower Of Babel adalah binaan yang tinggi kononnya mencapai pintu-pintu langit bak kata Firaun. Jadi pastilah Tower Of Babel zaman sekarang adalah binaan tertinggi!

Jika dilihat pada ranking dunia sekarang, bangunan tertinggi di dunia ialah Burj Dubai! Walaupun belum siap lagi dibina dan semakin hari semakin mencakar langit. Berikut adalah maklumat tentang Burj Dubai atau Menara Dubai ini yang dapat dilihat dari segenap penjuru Dubai ini.

Ketinggian sebenar Menara Dubai ini masih tidak dapat dipastikan kerana ia dijangka siap pada 2010 nanti dan dipercayai ketinggiannya akan mencapai 818M (2,684 kaki) jauh meninggalkan Menara berkembar Petronas di belakang yang hanya berketinggian 452M. Ia mula dibina pada 21 September 2004 dan masih dalam proses pembinaan. Kos pembinaan Menara ini dipercayai menelan USD 4.1 billion dan arkiteknya ialah seorang warganegara Amerika iaitu Adrian Smith.

Berikutan pembinaan menara ini, satu kejadian aneh iaitu kabus sering menyelubungi seluruh Dubai. Pakar kaji cuaca tidak dapat menjawab tentang masalah ini dan Dubai belum pernah mengalami kabus seperti ini sebelum ini. Kemungkinan besar kabus itu adalah disebabkan oleh pengumpulan tenaga negatif yang telah mengionkan udara disekeliling menara itu untuk disalurkan terus ke langit.

Bukan di Dubai sahaja yang mengalami keadaan ini. Di negara kita juga hal yang sama berlaku. Jika kita perasan, di KLCC selepas konsert, perayaan tahun baru atau merdeka yang penuh dengan aktiviti maksiat kita akan mendapati ada kabus yang menyeliputi KLCC ini. Secara tidak sedar kita telah menyumbangkan tenaga untuk kemunculan Dajal ini.

Dajal tidak akan muncul selagi tahap negatif tenaga tidak sampai kepada tahap tertentu. Apa yang saya maksudkan di sini ialah bila tenaga negatif melebihi tenaga positif (yang dihasilkan melalui ibadat dan aktiviti positif yang lain) the false messiah ini akan keluar dari tempat persembunyiannya. Inilah yang sedang diusahakan oleh konco-konco dajal si seluruh dunia. Bila manusia kurang beribadat kepada Allah dan ramai manusia melakukan maksiat, secara automatik tenaga negatif yang dihasilkan itu lebih banyak dari tenaga posifit dan elalui binaan-binaan seperti Obelisk, Piramid dan Menara inilah mereka menyalurkan tenaga negatif itu.

Konspirasi Dunia Obelisk.

Pernahkan anda mendengar tentang Obelisk? Saya pasti ramai daripada anda pernah terlihat binaan ini. Tetapi apa sebenarnya Obelisk ini? Kenapa ia berada di serata dunia, termasuklah di negara kita, Malaysia sendiri? Tidak percaya? Teruskan membaca artikel ini untuk mengetahui kebenaran yang tersirat.

Sun Pillar

Obelisk ini sebenarnya berasal dari Tamadun Mesir Purba dibina untuk melambangkan Tuhan Matahari mereka (Ra) dan mereka percaya Ra wujud bersama Obelisk ini. Mereka telah membina lebih kurang 29 buah obelisk untuk Tuhan Ra mereka. Obelisk juga dikenali dengan nama 'Cleopatra Needle' dan diasaskan dari 'Sun Pillar'.

Tahukah anda kenapa umat Islam wajib melontar batu di Jamratul Ula, Wusta dan Aqabah? Ini adalah kerana tiang tersebut merupakan sebuah "obelisk" hasil dari tiang yang menjadi simbol pemerintahan Firaun pada zaman dahulu. Dajjal dan tenteranya mengguna dan memanipulasi tenaga piramid (piramid pada hujung obelisk) dengan kaedah sains untuk tujuan yang jahat. Sebab itulah umat Islam wajib membaling batu di Jamratul sebagai tanda protes kepada manipulasi ini dan juga benci dengan iblis serta kejahatannya. Tidak ramai umat Islam yang memahami maksud simbolik kenapa perlunya membaling batu di Jamratul.

Semasa menunaikan Haji, umat Islam akan membaling batu sebanyak 7 kali dengan 7 biji batu dimulai dengan tertib di ketiga-tiga Jamratul bermula dari Jamratul Ula, Wusta dan Aqabah dengan niat:

Bismillah, Allahuakbar Rajman Lisyaitani wahizbih
(Dengan nama Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Besar, aku melontar syaitan dan pengikut-pengikutnya)

Obelisk pada zaman dahulu kala dibuat dari seketul batu yang diukir (monolith). Perkataan ‘obelisk’ berasal dari ketamadunan Greek. Obelisk yang berasal dari Egypt (semasa zaman Firaun) dan merupakan yang tertinggi sekali terletak di hadapan bangunan Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome, Italy. Semasa zaman kegemilangan Constantinople, maharajanya iaitu Theodosius I bagi bahagian timur Turki, telah meletakkan sebuah obelisk di Hippodrome of Constantinople, Turki. Tidakkah kamu sedar wahai penganut Kristian, agama kamu telah diubah menjadi agama Pagan? Ajaran asal Nabi Isa a.s tidak mengajar kamu mengagungkan binaan syaitan ini!

Terdapat 28 lokasi yang terletaknya obelisk asal dari zaman Firaun iaitu di:

Mesir (8 buah)
Pharaoh Tuthmosis I, Karnak Temple, Luxor
Pharaoh Ramses II, Luxor Temple
Pharaoh Hatshepsut, Karnak Temple, Luxor
Pharaoh Senusret I, Heliopolis, Cairo
Pharaoh Ramses III, Luxor Museum
Pharaoh Ramses II, Gezira Island, Cairo, 20.4 m
Pharaoh Ramses II, Cairo International Airport, 16.97 m
Pharaoh Seti II, Karnak Temple, Luxor, 7 m

Perancis (1 buah)
Pharaoh Ramses II, di Place de la Concorde, Paris

Israel (1 buah)
Caesarea obelisk

Italy (11 buah termasuk 1 di Vatican City)

8 di Rome
Piazza del Duomo, Catania (Sicily)
Boboli Gardens (Florence)

Poland (1 buah)
Ramses II, Poznan Archaeological Museum, Poznan (pinjaman dari Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Berlin)

Turki (1 buah)
Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, in Square of Horses, Istanbul

United Kingdom (4 buah)
Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, "Cleopatra’s Needle", di Victoria Embankment, London
Pharaoh Amenhotep II, in the Oriental Museum, University of Durham
Pharaoh Ptolemy IX, Philae Obelisk, at Kingston Lacy, near Wimborne Minster, Dorset
Pharaoh Nectanebo II, British Museum, London

Amerika Syarikat (1 buah)
Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, "Cleopatra’s Needle", di Central Park, New York

Adakah Obelisk ini wujud di Malaysia? Pasti ramai antara kita yang tidak tahu dan perasan sebenarnya di Malaysia tidak terlepas dari binaan dajal ini. Obelisk di Malaysia terletak di Precint 2, Putrajaya.

This is the city's own version of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. Considered to be the national monument of Putrajaya, the Millennium Monument is a metal obelisk that stands 68 meters tall and is located within a 25-hectare park situated in Precinct 2. The etchings adorning the monument depict key moments and events of Malaysia's history.

Sabda Rasullulah:
"Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka seseorang itu terdiri dari kalangan mereka (iaitu kaum berkenaan)." Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud

Berikut adalah tempat-tempat obelisk di serata dunia.

St. Peter Square, Vatican

Luxor Obelisk, Paris

Central park, New York

Sao Paolo. Brazil

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pheonix Park, Dublin

Istanbul, Turki

London, England

Washington, DC

Dan (ingatlah) ketika Luqman berkata kepada anaknya, semasa ia memberi nasihat kepadanya:" Wahai anak kesayanganku, janganlah engkau mempersekutukan Allah (dengan sesuatu yang lain), sesungguhnya perbuatan syirik itu adalah satu kezaliman yang besar". Luqman 13


"This is the city's own version of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. Considered to be the national monument of Putrajaya, the Millennium Monument is a metal obelisk that stands 68 meters tall and is located within a 25-hectare park situated in Precinct 2. The etchings adorning the monument depict key moments and events of Malaysia's history."

Sabda Rasullulah: "Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka seseorang itu terdiri dari kalangan mereka (iaitu kaum berkenaan)." Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is not a true story.

This is not a true story. It is a fiction. It is not a science fiction. It is just a fiction. The names are imaginary, and if they happened to be similar to anyone who are already dead or who are still alive they are only a coincident. The places are also imaginary, and if they seem similar to somewhere belonging to the past or to the present or to the future, they are also pure coincident.

Two army generals from North Gorea are having a meeting with its good neighbor, the South Gorea. The Goreans like to take ginseng break while others usually take their coffee breaks. Ginseng, which is not a drug and has very good sex stimulant properties, is derived from the roots of a kind of plant that is easily found in Gorea. During one of their many ginseng breaks, the North Gorean generals tell a joke about one president Gorge Werewolf Bush of Uninvited States of Antrakika (USA). The joke was not about the president’s infamous invasion of Eraka nor about his attempt to stop Erana from producing nuclear bomb nor about his continuing effort to help the Bews take over Jalesting. It was about how Gorge Werewolf Bush fell down when he was jogging somewhere in the backyard of his white colored house, although at some other times he will prefer to retreat to camp la’vinci for his jogging or cycling exercises.

The weather was very hot as usual on that day because of the global climate change. Excessive usage and dependence on hydrocarbon for power as well as for profit by the president and his family have predominantly triggered the gradual change in earth temperature causing unpredictable weather and unnatural disaster. The president was jogging in his underwear under the sun which was partially hidden by thin and sometime thick cloud, when he must have hit a stone and tripped and drops flat on to his water pistol. He had carried the water pistol every where he goes, ever since he was born, to help him relax after a quick exercise. As he was about to be run over by a convoy of trucks loaded with cooking oil and other kitchen essentials, a young boy named Betray Us managed to pull him over just in time. When Betray Us realized that he had saved the president he cried and cried and cried all day long. He then pleaded that his family should not know about the accident at any cost at all. He was afraid that if they knew about it, they will all commit suicide out of sheer frustration and humiliation. Many Antrakikan who disagree with the president have called him ‘the most naive lame duck president’. Others have simply called him ‘knuckle head’.

When the South Gorean general hears about the joke he said that Uninvited States of Antrakika (USA) is an advanced democratic country and that it is all right to joke about its president. This is unlike some other Alian countries where you can be sent to prison in the bay for telling jokes about its leaders or about its national songs.

Earlier in the year 5050 president George Werewolf Bush has proudly declared war against Eraka. He lied to the whole world when he said that the purpose of the war was to seek and destroy weapon of mass destruction which he claimed Eraka has been producing using USA technology. Apparently, there was no weapon of mass destruction uncovered because the technology has already been given out to the Bews who are preparing for war with Jalesting. According to the Bews war is good business.

Many Antrakikan thought that the president has made several mistakes about the war in Eraka and that he ought to be impeached for them. As starters, he should pull out of Eraka as quickly as possible after which he will still be impeached and sent to the prison or the guillotine squad. He was literally the weapon of mass destruction in the war in Eraka. He has ordered his soldiers to pull down the statue of Haddam Sussin, the president of Eraka, and later asked one of his associates to cut the throat of Haddam Sussin and throws the torso to the zoo for the lion to eat. Food was very scarce but oil is everywhere. With no one to check his hidden activities in Eraka he stole their oil and sells it to the black water people at below market price. He even sends a few billions barrels of the free oil to his allies who had join him in the invasion of Eraka.

Obviously there are good numbers of happy people particularly the black water people. However the numbers of unhappy people are even greater. And if taking into consideration the total numbers of dead soldiers and dead civilians and those who fled to the nearby countries for shelter, which can run into millions, the war can be considered as a disaster. The magnitude of the disaster is so huge that even if all the properties of George Werewolf Bush and his families are confiscated and be given to the families of Haddam Sussin as compensation, and the cost of rebuilding Eraka are paid by the Antrakikan government, injustice will still be undone.

The black water people are from everywhere but no one knows exactly from where. They are not regular soldiers but mercenary soldiers who survive by eating rotten rice and things like that. They cannot be prosecuted because they operated beyond the law. They will bomb several areas in Eraka and put the blame on the local Erakan and make it look like the Erakan are fighting each other. So far only 2 of the black water people have been reported killed while countless numbers of Eraki are dead every day. It is not difficult to imagine that involuntary ethnic cleansing is a likely byproduct of this war.

It has been informed that the vice president of Uninvited States of Antrakika own the organization that control the black water people and the invasion of Eraka has brought tremendous amount of profit to him. This huge profit is gained at the expense of the taxpayer whose money is being used to finance the war. The aura of the scenario is almost like giving him free money so that he can party all night long at the red carpet while the taxpayers bank account has very little or negative balance like they have always been since the war started. This is a classic example of smart work in comparison to hard work. At the end of the day one will wonder what kind of education the people of Uninvited States of Antrakika are receiving from their colleges and universities and other institutions of higher learning that molds their moral values and judgment and their ability as well as inability to respect the right of other people who do not share their moral values and judgments.

Erana is a country situated to the north of Eraka. Similar to Eraka, Erana is rich in oil. With the extra money that Erana has, they use it to produce nuclear bomb. Their intention is to use the bomb to destroy the Pews who has occupied Jalestine. The president of Erana, Amud Mamas is also a liar. He has insisted that Erana is not producing nuclear bombs but only nuclear power as an alternative source for oil. You can easily assume that he was down right lying just like what George Werewolf Bush did. A company located in Angapore has recently been fined for trying to export rocket launch missile component to Erana by the Angapore government. It seems that the company does not have security clearance to procure and export the equipment.

The Bews has forever been a trouble maker. They never have a country of their own. Wherever they go they will create problem. This is because they assume that they are God’s siblings and as such they take whatever they like from whoever they like or dislike. (Judging from what they are doing, they are more like swine droppings) In order to contain the Bews mischievous character, the Uninvited States of Antrakika (USA) send them to Jalesting and declare part of Jalesting as the official country for the Bews. Many countries in the universe including Erana and Eraka disagree to this relocation of the Bews, and have pledge to destroy the Bews for all kind of kind and unkind purposes.

In their effort to avoid failure in Jalesting, the Uninvited States of Antrakika (USA) supply the Bews with financial assistance and war equipments. The Bews use the money they received to bribe lawmakers as well as other relevant individuals and authorities when necessary. By now it is clear that the Antrakikan will do whatever it takes to make others accept their values while rejecting those of the other. Perhaps a quick recap of their historical and geographical background will enable logical understanding of their current misadventure.

Some 3210 years ago a native from Mingland set sail across the ocean looking for new territories to be occupied. After discovering Antrakika and after defeating the indigenous Yellow Tribes in several fights and peace agreements, he establish a new township followed by several others soon after. In view of the availability of vast amount of natural recourses and land mass many more people migrated to Antrakika and claimed it as their homeland. The existent of different type of people with varying cultures and belief has led them to be united under the name of Uninvited States of Antrakika. This is because they were never invited there. Many force their way in there as illegal immigrants to look for job opportunities and to find food and shelter. Endless briberies were given and many gang wars were fought before many of them manage to settle down ‘legally’ in Antrakika. For some life has been good. But for many, life will remain tough and demanding.

As time passes by many less successful Antrakikan resort to drugs and alcoholism to drown their sorrows and maintain their tough working life. The few who succeeded did the same to kill their boredom and to occupy their free times. Drugs and alcoholism will always lead to bad behavior and many bad decisions were made resulting in disasters and loss of life and properties. It is unfair not to mention that there are good Antrakikan. But the numbers of the good ones are not many in relation to the bad ones. In short the Antrakikan has yet to find effective solution to their physical and emotional problems. Sometime they will highlight less important or even non existent external problems to obscure their own garbage, and they seem to be very good at this career, unfortunately. Correction is needed in their not so pleasing education and social system.

The Alians are located a few thousand kilometers away from Antrakika. Prior to the war in Eraka majority of the Alians look towards Antrakika as a model country. Many of them have been attracted towards the seemingly good life there. The idea of living in a free country where you can enjoy 24 hours daily from the moment you are born until you drop dead is considered as the ultimate goal for everybody. However after the war with Eraka, the Alians take a 180 degree turn and begin to hate them. Many Alians cannot find solitude knowing that Antrakika is run by a president who is a liar. He is obviously surrounded by advisers, ministers, friends and colleagues who are liars too. It is very difficult to trust someone whom is generally known to have cheated and continue doing it without any sign of regret and desire to stop doing it.

Sometime in the beginning of this year a fortune teller forecasted that millions of Bewish people will commit suicide toward the later part of this year. He did not say why or how the Bewish will do it. However it is a good guess that Erana will send a couple of the nuclear bombs which will kill millions of the Bews, thus ending their stupid run of terrorist activities that has started since 4567. The fortune teller claimed that he has made several predictions previously and that he was seldom wrong. If this is true president George Werewolf Bush should prepare himself for another battle. This next war will happened in the courtroom because there are many people inside and outside of this world, who want to see that justice is done in the right way. The way that it should have been done, and not the way that he has done it. If the fortune teller is wrong, perhaps injustice and terrorist activities will continue until it is finally put to a full stop.

End of story.

Miss Now Ann Den
Associate Professor
University of Sumware